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Account User List

This area of your WineDirect Dashboard will show all users associated with your store and other key pieces of information.

Updated over a week ago

To find your User List within your Dashboard board you will need Login > click Settings > click Account Users

Once Account Users has been selected you will be shown the full user list that will look something like:

Here you will be able to see key pieces of information for each of the user; which includes:

Name: This is the name of the User that you have sent an invite to

Email Address: This is the email address you have sent the user invite to. Correspondence to the user will also be done via this email

Role: You will have a choice of either setting the user as either a Site Admin or Staff

Status: This will indicate whether or not the user has accepted the invitation you have sent to their email to become an Account User.

From this screen you will also be able to choose to invite a new Account User. Please see the article on How to Invite a New Account User for more information on this.

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