Adding Blogs to your Website

Blogging can be an excellent tool for promoting your products and giving your store a personal touch

Updated over a week ago

What We'll Cover

Blogging can be an excellent tool for promoting your products and giving your store a personal touch, as well as providing a boost to your site's SEO ranking.

By default, a basic blog is included on the BigCommerce platform. The look and feel of the blog are controlled by the theme. To access the blog, go to Storefront Blog.

Need more blogging features? Blogging platforms like WordPress can be used. They offer you more design options, plugins, and features such as multilingual support.

Blog Visibility

Every new store has a built-in blog visible by default. If you use a different blogging platform or don't want to use a blog, toggle the Blog Visibility to remove all blog links from your storefront's header and footer.

Blog Visibility switch

Turning Blog Visibility off will not disable the blog. Anyone that has the URL to a blog post will still be able to access it. Unpublish or delete blog posts created with the built-in blog if you are moving to a different blog platform or wish to disable the blog.

Creating a Blog Post

1. Go to StorefrontBlog then click the + button.

Create blog post button

2. Give the post a Title, then add your content to the Body.

Title and Body fields

3. Click Publish when you are ready for the post to be seen by your audience. Otherwise, click Save Draft to save your work and publish it at a later date.

Draft and Publish buttons


Optional Blog fields
  • Author — designates who wrote this particular blog post

  • Tags — used for categorizing similar blog posts

  • Summary thumbnail image — displays a thumbnail image to be included in the blog post and summary


Optional SEO fields
  • Post URL — designates a specific URL for the post; by default, the URL is based off of the post's Title

  • If the Post URL changes — indicates whether old links should forward to the new URL. Our default is always to forward them.

  • Meta description — specifies the description that will appear in the appropriate meta tag for this post

Blog Settings

Click the Action menu to access the Blog Settings. Here you can update the blog's navigation title, URL, and social settings and allow readers to post comments.

Blog Settings button


Blog Title, Description and URL fields
  • Blog Title — The name that will appear in your store's navigation. Keeping this short and simple is best.

  • Blog Description — The description that will appear in your store's navigation. Keeping this short and simple is best.

  • Blog URL — You can enter a custom Blog URL if you'd like. By default, the URL is based on the Blog Title.


The share settings control the options your customers are provided with to share your blog posts across different social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can modify these by clicking the desired social media site in your store's Display settings.

Blog Social Sharing


Stores with Stencil themes can use Disqus for blog comments by following the instructions in Using Disqus with Stencil. If you are using a legacy Blueprint theme, see Blueprint Themes for more information.


Some Stencil themes in the Theme Marketplace, such as Milano and Exhibit, allow you to define how many blog posts to show on your store's homepage. If so, that setting will be found usually in Page Builder. If you are using a legacy Blueprint theme, you can manage recent blog posts in your display settings.

recent blogs in stencil theme editor

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