Editing Email Template Code
Updated over a week ago

Under the Code tab, the Subject line and Content of each template can be customized. The subject has a maximum character limit of 255. Select variables are allowed, enabling you to show personalized information. Some variables can be used on their own in a template, while other variables require additional formatting to show specific information. For example, the store name can be used on its own, but listing the products contained in an order requires additional formatting.

The editable Subject line of a Transactional Email

Editing code? We recommend saving a backup copy of your template in a plain text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit. You can also restore the default version of an email's global template with the instructions below.

The body of the template is customized by editing its underlying HTML and Handlebars code. It is divided between CSS styling at the top and HTML content at the bottom. We recommend making edits by copying the template code into a text editor and pasting the edited version back into the Content box.

The Content portion of a Transactional Email showing the underlying HTML and Handlebars code

One example of what you can do in the Code tab is removing the "Powered by BigCommerce" text at the bottom of an email and replacing it with a phrase. To do this, locate the text in the code and delete it, leaving the paragraph tags. You can then add in a phrase bracket in its place in the format of {{{ lang 'your_phrase_name' }}}.

Replace the "Powered by BigCommerce" text in the Code tab.

For more examples of how you can customize your email template code, see the developer documentation.

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