Abandoned Cart Emails FAQ
Updated over a week ago

When is a cart considered abandoned?

A cart is not considered abandoned until it has had no activity for 1 hour. This means that if your first abandoned cart email is scheduled to send 1 hour after the cart is abandoned, then it would be 2 hours after the shopper initially added the product to their cart before they'd receive the notification.

Why are my abandoned cart emails using the older Blueprint format? I'm using the updated storefront email templates.

You may need to create new email templates to replace your store's legacy templates. Disable your current email templates, then create new templates. Make sure that they are set to be sent to customers at the same times (hour/date) as your previous email templates to ensure a consistent experience.

Does the Abandoned Cart Saver affect stock levels?

No, stock levels are not affected until payment is attempted. If a payment method is attempted, the cart is not considered abandoned.

How long do abandoned carts stay saved?

All cart information is stored in the user's browser cookies. The cart information remains on their browser for 7 days, unless they clear their browser cache or complete checkout.

Why do some shoppers get abandoned cart emails after they completed their order?

This can sometimes occur if the shopper completes the purchase of the order very close to the timing of the first scheduled email. On some occasions, it may occur if they complete the order on another device. If this is happening frequently in your store, please contact us.

If the customer completes their order from the "Complete Order" link in the email, they will continue to receive subsequent abandoned cart emails, unless you have enabled the related setting under Abandoned Cart Emails in your store's Miscellaneous settings.

Can I use a third-party integration for abandoned cart emails?

Yes. Apps such as Mailchimp and Klaviyo allow you to send abandoned cart emails.

Why are my emails showing raw HTML instead of the phrases or variables I added to the template?

A custom variable or phrase added to the Code section of your email template can appear as raw HTML if it is contained within two curly brackets instead of three. For example, {{ lang 'yourcustomphrase' }} will display as raw HTML, but {{{ lang 'yourcustomphrase' }}} will properly display your custom phrase

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